Terms of Use of base Aurelie Bachelet

Terms and conditions of use

The Phraseanet Media Gallery is an extranet that provides access to a library of photos, visuals and videos that show the company's businesses, products and heritage (see “Content” below).

This Content is available to registered company staff and outside service providers (see “Users” below) for the uses stipulated below.

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to all Users who access the Content in the Phraseanet Media Gallery. Use of content is also subject to the additional Specific Terms and Conditions associated with different elements (description file linked when Content is downloaded).


Access to the Phraseanet Media Gallery requires a User email address and a password (defined by the User). Users assume full responsibility for all access to the Phraseanet Media Gallery using their login (email address) and password; by accessing the Phraseanet Media Gallery Users explicitly agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Respect for intellectual property rights

Various Alchemy company guidelines and terms and conditions of use, including these Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to the Phraseanet Media Gallery, emphasize the importance of respecting the rights of others. In particular this includes copyrights, trademarks, reserved rights to drawings and models, and authorization to reproduce physical likeness. You are in particular asked to refrain from using (including reproduction, copy, distribution, reuse, modification or alteration) logos, creations, videos, photos, etc., without prior authorization from the owners of the intellectual property rights for the content concerned.

Respect for intellectual property rights to Content

 Users are informed that Content is protected by intellectual property rights in one or more domains and that Content may only be used under their responsibility if all of the following conditions are met:

 - use involving reproduction and/or representation of the Content without i) any modification, adaptation, alteration, etc.; ii) alteration of the quality of the Content in the media used for reproduction and/or representation;

 - for all media, for the duration and under the conditions stipulated in the Specific Terms and Conditions of Use;

 - for corporate communication presenting the company, excluding any use for direct commercial purposes, notably for catalogues selling products or services, advertising promoting products or services, etc.

 Users are responsible for compliance with the terms of the license for use and in particular for deleting all reproductions and/or representations prior to expiry of the license granted.

 The Phraseanet Media Gallery is subject to prevailing laws and regulations. Users who are employees of the Alchemy Company must also respect all rules and regulations internal to Alchemy, its subsidiaries and companies (regardless of the geographic location). In particular, these rules include internal regulations, the code of conduct, rules governing confidentiality, rules and guidelines for use of information systems, and these Terms and Conditions of Use.

You are responsible for being conversant with and for complying with these Terms and Conditions of Use for the Phraseanet Media Gallery.

Terms of Use of base Commercial 2 Database

Terms of use in English

Terms of Use of base Base Beta Version 3.0

Post haec Gallus Hierapolim profecturus ut expeditioni specie tenus adesset, Antiochensi plebi suppliciter obsecranti ut inediae dispelleret metum, quae per multas difficilisque causas adfore iam sperabatur, non ut mos est principibus, quorum diffusa potestas localibus subinde medetur aerumnis, disponi quicquam statuit vel ex provinciis alimenta transferri conterminis, sed consularem Syriae Theophilum prope adstantem ultima metuenti multitudini dedit id adsidue replicando quod invito rectore nullus egere poterit victu.

Cum autem commodis intervallata temporibus convivia longa et noxia coeperint apparari vel distributio sollemnium sportularum, anxia deliberatione tractatur an exceptis his quibus vicissitudo debetur, peregrinum invitari conveniet, et si digesto plene consilio id placuerit fieri, is adhibetur qui pro domibus excubat aurigarum aut artem tesserariam profitetur aut secretiora quaedam se nosse confingit.

Quapropter a natura mihi videtur potius quam ab indigentia orta amicitia, applicatione magis animi cum quodam sensu amandi quam cogitatione quantum illa res utilitatis esset habitura. Quod quidem quale sit, etiam in bestiis quibusdam animadverti potest, quae ex se natos ita amant ad quoddam tempus et ab eis ita amantur ut facile earum sensus appareat. Quod in homine multo est evidentius, primum ex ea caritate quae est inter natos et parentes, quae dirimi nisi detestabili scelere non potest; deinde cum similis sensus exstitit amoris, si aliquem nacti sumus cuius cum moribus et natura congruamus, quod in eo quasi lumen aliquod probitatis et virtutis perspicere videamur.

Excogitatum est super his, ut homines quidam ignoti, vilitate ipsa parum cavendi ad colligendos rumores per Antiochiae latera cuncta destinarentur relaturi quae audirent. hi peragranter et dissimulanter honoratorum circulis adsistendo pervadendoque divites domus egentium habitu quicquid noscere poterant vel audire latenter intromissi per posticas in regiam nuntiabant, id observantes conspiratione concordi, ut fingerent quaedam et cognita duplicarent in peius, laudes vero supprimerent Caesaris, quas invitis conpluribus formido malorum inpendentium exprimebat.

Paphius quin etiam et Cornelius senatores, ambo venenorum artibus pravis se polluisse confessi, eodem pronuntiante Maximino sunt interfecti. pari sorte etiam procurator monetae extinctus est. Sericum enim et Asbolium supra dictos, quoniam cum hortaretur passim nominare, quos vellent, adiecta religione firmarat, nullum igni vel ferro se puniri iussurum, plumbi validis ictibus interemit. et post hoe flammis Campensem aruspicem dedit, in negotio eius nullo sacramento constrictus.

Terms of Use of base Parade front


The Phraseanet Media Gallery is an extranet that provides access to a library of photos, visuals and videos that show the company's businesses, products and heritage (see “Content” below).

This Content is available to registered company staff and outside service providers (see “Users” below) for the uses stipulated below.

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to all Users who access the Content in the Phraseanet Media Gallery. Use of content is also subject to the additional Specific Terms and Conditions associated with different elements (description file linked when Content is downloaded).



Access to the Phraseanet Media Gallery requires a User email address and a password (defined by the User). Users assume full responsibility for all access to the Phraseanet Media Gallery using their login (email address) and password; by accessing the Phraseanet Media Gallery Users explicitly agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Use.


Respect for intellectual property rights

Various Alchemy company guidelines and terms and conditions of use, including these Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to the Phraseanet Media Gallery, emphasize the importance of respecting the rights of others. In particular this includes copyrights, trademarks, reserved rights to drawings and models, and authorization to reproduce physical likeness. You are in particular asked to refrain from using (including reproduction, copy, distribution, reuse, modification or alteration) logos, creations, videos, photos, etc., without prior authorization from the owners of the intellectual property rights for the content concerned.


Respect for intellectual property rights to Content

 Users are informed that Content is protected by intellectual property rights in one or more domains and that Content may only be used under their responsibility if all of the following conditions are met:

 - use involving reproduction and/or representation of the Content without i) any modification, adaptation, alteration, etc.; ii) alteration of the quality of the Content in the media used for reproduction and/or representation;

 - for all media, for the duration and under the conditions stipulated in the Specific Terms and Conditions of Use;

 - for corporate communication presenting the company, excluding any use for direct commercial purposes, notably for catalogues selling products or services, advertising promoting products or services, etc.

 Users are responsible for compliance with the terms of the license for use and in particular for deleting all reproductions and/or representations prior to expiry of the license granted.

 The Phraseanet Media Gallery is subject to prevailing laws and regulations. Users who are employees of the Alchemy Company must also respect all rules and regulations internal to Alchemy, its subsidiaries and companies (regardless of the geographic location). In particular, these rules include internal regulations, the code of conduct, rules governing confidentiality, rules and guidelines for use of information systems, and these Terms and Conditions of Use.


You are responsible for being conversant with and for complying with these Terms and Conditions of Use for the Phraseanet Media Gallery.